Saturday, March 6, 2010

Seoul Re-cap

Where to begin...that is what I am left pondering. Sooooooo much has happened. I am sorry to my loyal readers, as it turns out I have no life during the week. Let's see where did I leave off....

Let's start with Seoul. A few weeks back some close friends and I traveled to Seoul to celebrate Lunar New Year and our much deserved three day weekend. Once arriving, I felt back home...Seoul is the melting pot of Seattle, San Fransisco, or New York. It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to go back. There all the things you miss from home can be found. For example...I found ranch dressing, Mexican food, gay bars and people that speak English. I felt home and it was tend to forget about all of the things you miss, once you have been away from them for so long...and once you experience them, it's like a whole new discovery. The one thing that amazes me and will continue to do so is their messed up sayings, or translation that they just don't fully understand. I have shared a few classic examples for your enjoyment. I loved could find anything you wanted there. I even discovered a store selling condoms...only. Insert amusing picture now! It was snowy and everything one could ask for...a little piece of home...all the way in Korea. Good friends and great times...many more trips to Seoul to come. :)

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