Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's Been A While....

So as you all know...I have come to terms with the fact that I live at school. It's not a bad thing...but seriously, I do. Here is my daily schedule...in case you were all interested, and if not, oh well...you can always stop reading now.

I usually wake up around 7:15 or so, hit the gym and usually get to school around 9 or so. My first class is at 9:40. I still don't have a normal schedule quite yet...most students are on break from elementary school until March and that happens to be when the new semester starts. See here is how my school works...we have little ones in the morning...that are not old enough to attend elementary school; Their classes cover every subject. We have 3 morning classes; there is a 3/4 year old class, a 4/5 year old class and a 5/6 year old class. In the morning now, I am usually just a helper to the other teachers and their already pre-established class. Starting at 3 I have classes with elementary school kids...classes include reading, vocabulary, listening, social studies and one on one tutoring. Come March, I will be working with my own pre-kindergarten class until 3. Here is an amazingly adorable picture of my 3'o clock reading and vocabulary class.

Its a long day...but it pays off. My kids are adorable...most days. So to wind down...I have been fascinated by what the Korean cable channels have to offer. Besides Nicholas Cage movies...as I have mentioned previously they get played a lot here...to much if you ask me. The Koreans seem to be very fascinated with all of the various CSI shows...which I love...have not seem to discover why though and one of my new favorites...Project Runway. They have even developed their own Korean version of the show...with various American guest judges that I have yet to discover...but you should definitely check out the website...total rip off of the American version, look for yourself... http://www.onmoviestyle.com/projectrunway/judge.asp. Seriously...they even compare the judges to their American counterparts. Simply amazing.

Other than that, I have been spending a lot of time and money at the doctor. Doctor visits are cheap here...but they want you to go many times. I had the pleasure, of messing up my knee pretty bad while trying to jump a fence...please don't ask me why I would do such a thing...because I can't give you a reasonable answer. Doctor visits include me...waiting a really long time, and then a trip to physical therapy...which includes me getting stabbed with needles aka acupuncture, having my knee bent in all kinds of uncomfortable positions and being electro-shocked. After physical therapy, I would be seen by the doctor. At this time the doctor then sticks me an injection (not sure of what but I probably should), bends my knee a bunch, and writes me a prescription before shipping me out the door. The good news is that prescriptions are cheap on the down side...you have no idea what you are consuming. Whatever it is, it worked...cause I am actually starting to feel better...it only took like 20 doctor visits...but seriously, he wanted to visit me once every 3 days...for 2 weeks...not the easiest on the wallet.

The weekends are usually the same, well the group of people is. Everyone in Changwon knows each other...or recognizes each other, none the less. If you don't know someone...you will eventually. There are the same foreigner bars that people hit up...and usually after the bars we hit up the good ol' Noraebong...Karaoke for Koreans. It's a pretty sweet room, that one would rent out and bring their own alcohol, and then use the handy song books and type in your chosen songs. The own weird part is that the songs do not match the video. Videos for songs are completely random and do not make sense...but usually no one really pays much attention. I would include pictures of my own Noraebong experience...but I forgot my camera...I promise in time my friends!

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