Saturday, January 16, 2010

Everyone loves Nicolas Cage?!

Don't me wrong...I think that Nicolas Cage is a decent actor. However, he is one of those actors like Bruce Willis, that needs to accept going bald...seriously, anyone see Peggy Sue Got Married? He was practically bald in that film...and if you see him in his more recent films, his hair is longer and fuller...I mean, has he been getting hair implants or something...cause baldness does not magically go away. I don't hate him, but I am not gonna race to go see his movies opening day or anything or waste my money renting them, but if his movies come on T.V. and there is nothing better on...I might tune in.

However, I can't seem to escape him here in Korea. Seriously...I have seen probably every crappy Nicolas Cage movie since being here...not because of choice, but his movies seem to be the only thing the Korean tellie. Some of those I have been submitted to include: Knowing (a crappy alien movie), Bangkok Dangerous (some assassin movie set in Bangkok...obviously), Next (he plays a psychic who falls in love with Jessica Biel...ya right) and National Treasure 2 (thank you Nick for ruining Disney movies for me). The list continues, but these by far were the worst.

After having enough...I thought I would do a little research and try to figure out why Nicolas Cage was so popular here. Here are the two reasons that I came up with. First, Koreans love action movies and in the last few years Nicolas Cage has been in many action flicks. The second being that his latest wife is Korean....with those two put together, I am thinking that is why he is so huge here...make sense? I have also included a ridiculous picture of him and his wife in Korean costumes for your viewing pleasure...enjoy.

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