Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good Morning Changwon!

I never thought this day would happen...I created a blog. Yes I used to blog on Myspace, but this is different. I felt some amazing blogs, of new found friends in my neck of the woods, and thought maybe I should start one...this is an adventure, after all, and I should document it. Officially, I have yet to start teaching...I start January 5th...but it has given me a chance to observe the other teachers and their craft, get to know the kids at my school...they are so freaking smart and adorable, explore the city...which is currently Changwon, South Korea, take in some sites in my area, enjoy some of the cuisine, learn to cook...well kind of, and attempt to learn the language...I still suck at it though.

Korea reminds me a lot of Vegas...ugh, I miss that place, probably one of my favorite cities...not gonna lie. The streets light up and usually you can hear music on every shopping is a different story. E mart is the local store of can get groceries, clothes, a plunger...pretty much anything one may need. The grocery portion of the store reminds me so much of Costco...too many people, everything's in bulk, loads of free samples...and I did enjoy that, and people running into you and ramming their cart into you...not so much fun. Taxi rides are usually cheap and the drivers are usually very helpful...even with my very little understanding of the Korean language. Everyone honks their horn...for no reason and drivers are reckless...I don't really like feeling I am going to get hit by a car...especially more than once a day. The beds suck...yes, I like a good firm, bed, but not feeling like I am sleeping on a padded bench.... On that note, their version of a mattress pad, is a me, I made the mistake and bought not well spent. Parks here are much different...there is literally workout equipment in the park; one can work on their glutes and do some sit-ups while taking in the fresh air...a nice change. The gyms are great...I actually joined one today...who doesn't wanna work out to loud Korean Techno? You do have to buy all drugs...i.e. Tylenol or cough syrup at the local pharmacy...that kind of blows, because they kind of have post office if you have a head ache at 9 pm, your pretty much s.o.l.. The public bathrooms I will need to get used to...oh the squating toilet...Thanks, but I don't wanna have to sweat or exercise while I use the restroom...thanks...this thing is literally a toilet in the ground/ hovers flushes at least, but still. I do love the Soju's like the Korean and amazing.
The one thing I don't blunt everyone is...yeah I get it, I am a little bit pudgy, but I am not fat...please don't pinch my muffin top or pat my belly while I am shopping for clothes...thanks.

I didn't think I would be so homesick though...being here, you really do miss the small things; ranch dressing, oh boy...I could put that on about everything, my boyfriend, popcorn, mac 'n cheese, my bed, the latest issue of a good ol' Cosmo and gossip magazines, the Noc Noc, cable, Capitol Hill, texting, lunch meat...and normal sandwiches...for that matter, mashed potatoes, hangover food, Hulu, Netflix being delivered to my door, fitting in, Jack in the Box, Pandora (my favorite internet music station), people understanding what you're saying, my friends and my family...gotta love them. This list could go on don't really appreciate these things until you can't have them sucks. So if you're back home and reading this...take notes. Just kidding...kind of.

I am starting to kind of know my way around...I still carry a map, just in case...but this town is growing on me. I met a few nice foreigners and hopefully more in time. I am looking at this opportunity as a chance to discover myself, grow up and out of a few bad traits I have developed over the years. Only time will tell...but I am hoping for the best. I know many are waiting for me to fail...but my goal is to prove them wrong. The teaching day will be long...I know why Koreans are so for me is from 9:30am to 7:30pm...I get three forty minute it's not too bad...but in the am...we teach the little kids and at night, we are more of an after school program...long day, but it will keep me busy. Well...let the adventure begin, I start teaching the 5th!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I can follow your daily adventures now. This post had me laughing! I loved the part about clothes shopping, seriously, dont grab my love handles, not cool. Can't wait to hear about your first teaching day. Love ya!
