Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7 ways to a better Chanel!

No matter where I go, drama seems to reach me, find me, and rip apart my life here in Korea. I have had to cut ties with some one I love dearly, help those that are going through some difficult times, and because of it all...I find myself a sleepless mess. I needed to break away from it all, hopefully for the better. I did manage to repair a very important friendship which has helped a lot. I question myself constantly...why am I letting such bring me down? I sometimes hate that I am a mess and that I let certain things and people bring me down. So, I am starting a new lease on life...yes, I will admit...I bought a few self help books and started seeing a psychologist that speaks English. I mean I am in Korea for goodness sakes.

Anyways, over the past few months the weather has been amazing. Korea really is beautiful. The perfect getaway from my troubles has been the beach in Busan....a bottle of soju, some good music and a great book and I am set. I am able to relax in the beautiful sunshine and set my mind at ease.

I also have great friends....back home and here that have helped so much. I met a new amazing significant other...that has been there for me through all of the bs back home. My rock, when I needed it most. She also happens to live in the coolest city in Korea...which is Seoul. If you are not familiar with my feelings on Seoul...please refer back to earlier posts.

This month and from this point is and will be amazing! Vampire Weekend is coming at the end of the month, for those familiar with Washington and the Columbia Gorge...they will be at Jisan Rock Festival...the Gorge of Korea. See epic show indeed. Happiness is headed my way!

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